Bi-vocational Small Church Ministry Coordinator


“So long, but not goodbye.”


     In June 2019, I wrote my first article for the UBA Messenger. Now almost six years later, I find myself   writing my final article for the Messenger.

     It has been a privilege and an honor to serve the churches of the Union Baptist Association during these years and a joy to work with Dr. Eric Cook, Bessie Benson, and Debbie Grant at the UBA office. I am especially grateful to Dr. Cook for allowing me to work alongside him in ministry. I found him to be a man committed to his call to serve the churches and minister as a pastor to the pastors of the Union Association. Bessie and Debbie have been so supportive and helpful in the work I did there and were great to work with. They are a very valuable asset to the UBA and we are blessed to have them.

     Had God not led otherwise, I would not be writing this particular article today. It has been through much prayer and soul-searching that I have felt God’s call to pursue a different direction in my ministry. I have been asked by Centerview Baptist Church to serve as their Interim Pastor and have agreed to accept this position beginning February 5, 2025. I must admit it was a difficult decision to make because I have enjoyed what I have been doing these last five plus years, but I must follow God’s leadership and direction as I serve Him.  I am excited about what lies ahead in my ministry for Him and look forward to the opportunities He has in store for me. I am honored to serve Him and humbled that He would use someone like me in His service. I covet your prayers for me and Centerview Church as together we seek God’s direction into the future.

     I again want to thank Dr. Cook for his encouragement, prayers, and support in this new season of ministry for me. His affirmation, prayers, and promised support means more to me than I can express in words.  We will be working together as I transition from the UBA. I know God has someone in line to become the next Bivocational Small Church Coordinator and we pray He sends that man without delay.

     I also thank my wife, Freeda for her encouragement and prayers. She’s always been my number one    supporter and continues to be so in this. I ask you to pray for us as we embark on this new ministry journey.

     Thank you members of the churches of the Union Baptist Association for all your kind words and encouragement as I have served in my role here at the UBA. It was a joy to worship with you, and as the opportunity arose, it was an honor to serve you.  I pray God’s rich blessings on each church of the UBA, its pastor, and its membership.

     We’re not moving away, just changing direction. I will still be here in the area just like I’ve been. It would be great to hear from you from time to time. If there is ever a way I can help you or your church, please feel free to call me. I would count it an honor and a privilege for the opportunity to assist you. I love and pray for you all.


Working Together in His Service,




Trust in the LORD with all your heart, And lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He shall direct your paths.  Pr. 3:5-6